Insights & Inspiration 

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The Zen Life – #4
by Deb Majewski, EdD, LCPC

Tired of Being Tired? Everything You Need to Know About Wellness and Self-Care.

Hi! Welcome back to The Zen Life. In this issue we’ll discuss the third component of the Creative Domain of Wellness which is how Humor/Optimism and Pessimism affect our overall wellbeing.

“Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.” – Jakob Smirnoff

“We don’t laugh because we’re happy – we’re happy because we laugh.” – William James

You’ve probably heard it said that “laughter is the best medicine” and that isn’t far from the truth. Surprisingly however, there has been little research until recently to substantiate the benefits of humor, laughter, and general optimism toward a general positive state of well-being.  …Read More

Deb Majewski

Introducing the fourth installment of “The Zen Life“, a blog series dedicated to finding balance and inner peace. In this new post, “The Creative Domain: Humor/Optimism and Pessimism.” we explore the importance of humor and how it can help people in different ways.

Deb Majewski

Introducing “The Zen Life”, a blog series focused on finding balance and inner peace. Our first entry, The Creative Domain: Emotional Wellness, discusses what emptions are, at their core.

The Zen Life – #3
by Deb Majewski, EdD, LCPC

Tired of Being Tired? Everything You Need to Know About Wellness and Self-Care.

The Creative Domain: Emotional Wellness.

Hi! Welcome back to The Zen Life. In this issue we’ll discuss the second component of
the Creative Domain of Wellness which is Emotional Wellness.

What are emotions? At their core, they are simply neurobiological activity that serves the
purpose of communicating our needs to others. What’s really important about emotional
wellness is the ability to not only understand and articulate our emotions, but also to effectively
manage them.

How people communicate and manage their emotions depends in large part on the environment
they were raised in. Many families encourage the sharing of emotions and are very open and
encourage the sharing of feelings with each other. …Read More

The Zen Life – #2
by Deb Majewski, EdD, LCPC

Tired of Being Tired? Everything You Need to Know About Wellness and Self-Care.

Hi!  Welcome back to The Zen Life.  In this issue we’ll discuss the first component of the Creative Domain of Wellness which is the way we think.  

Thinking consists of two main functions as it relates to wellness: Intellectual functioning and Cognitive functioning.  They are similar and both related to brain processes but are different in many important ways.

Let’s look at intellectual wellness first.  The easiest way to think about this area is “use it or lose it.”  This relates to the idea that keeping your mind active keeps it healthy.  The following short YouTube video references college students but is applicable to anyone.

Intellectual wellness relates to ongoing growth and curiosity over the entire lifetime.  Engaging in activities such as keeping abreast of current events, reading, engaging in creative endeavors, doing puzzles, and any kind of learning increases critical thinking skills.  Did you know that the average person makes over 35,000 conscious decisions per day?!  As humans, we are prone to bias, distorted and irrational thinking which can skew these critical choices.  Thinking critically allows us to consider pros and cons, compare facts, consider others’ points of view, engage in active listening, and utilize creativity in our thought processes.  …Read More

Deb Majewski

Introducing the second installment of “The Zen Life“, a blog series dedicated to finding balance and inner peace. In this new post, “The Creative Domain: Thinking. Intellectual and Cognitive Wellness” we explore the importance of nurturing your mind and enhancing cognitive well-being.

Deb Majewski

Introducing “The Zen Life”, a blog series focused on finding balance and inner peace. Our first entry, Tired of Being Tired,” offers self-care tips to help you recharge and prioritize your well-being.

The Zen Life – #1
by Deb Majewski, EdD, LCPC

Tired of Being Tired? Everything You Need to Know About Wellness and Self-Care.

What is self-care?

We love the idea of self-care. It brings forth images of spa days, practicing deep breathing, sitting
cross legged while watching a beautiful sunset, or journaling. These are of course, all great avenues to
achieve self-care, but possessing useful and accurate information can take you further than you may
have imagined in applying this valuable and necessary concept to your life.

Self-care comes from the concept of wellness which is defined as “the quality or state of being in good
health especially as an actively sought goal.” Wellness can perhaps best be understood if separated into
various areas of our lives including but not limited to our social lives, our spiritual selves, our financial
and/or occupational situations, our relationship with the environment, our emotional state, our
physical selves, our sense of personal identity and how that relates to others around us, and our sense
of self-worth. …Read More